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Glow Services


Raw whole plant products

100% organic, plant-powered, herb-based products from Laurel Whole Plant Organics take center-stage in my skin treatments. The skin is fed a hefty dose of antioxidants and is revitalized with a nourishing mask of herbs and flowers.


Gua Sha is an unrivaled application for both facial massage and a gorgeous facial.  Gua Sha helps diminish the appearance of wrinkles and reduces puffiness.  It accentuates more prominent looking cheekbones and a smoother jaw line as well as treating dark circles and pigmentation. Positive side effects include: release of neck tension, fewer headaches, sinus de-congestion and improved sleep. Often you may experience dramatic improvements within just two weeks of regular use at home (Gua Sha tools available for purchase)


  • firms and lifts immediately

  • renews facial contours and reverses sagging skin

  • diminishes dark circles and reduces puffiness

  • minimizes appearance of wrinkles (such as lines from smoking, squinting and smiling)

  • brightens and promotes a radiant complexion


Specially developed to work with the facial muscle muscles and delicate eye area to reduce puffiness, minimize fine lines, tone, sculpt and provide an overall facial contour and lift. It is steamed to soften & release the benefits of the therapeutic herbs for a gentle facial massage.

The herbal poultices are steamed for use throughout your treatment and releases the benefits of the therapeutic herbs for a gentle facial massage. The moist, aromatic heat is a powerful tension-melter and de-puffer.

The poultice is yours to take home after your treatment, to be re-used in your bath and/or for aromatherapy.

Connective Tissue Massage

Inspired by the renowned German Physical Therapist Elizabeth Dicke, connective tissue massage is a cross-fiberin, natural lifting technique that helps firm, tone, and balance the tissue while effectively boosting the skin’s immunity and accelerating collagen synthesis. 

Throughout our entire body, connective tissue connects and supports our organs, joints and muscles. Connective tissue also guides blood vessels and nerves to the organs and protects them against infections. The subcutaneous connective tissue insulates heat, stores energy and is responsible for the transport of oxygen, nutrients and waste products. 

Connective tissue massage is a very good way to improve the skin condition and contours of the face, and neck. The treatment increases the blood flow and activates the metabolism. It’s also very suitable for treating wrinkles and scars. The fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) change shape, stimulating skin renewal and thus strengthening the skin.

Facial Cupping

Facial cupping increases blood circulation and stimulates the facial cells that are responsible for collagen production. In turn, this can brighten your skin, minimize the appearance of scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and tone your chin, jawline, and neck by decreasing puffiness.


Dermaplaning is a gentle, non-invasive form of manual exfoliation of the skin that resurfaces sun-damaged, dull, dehydrated skin. Using a sterile, surgical blade, I gently exfoliate the outermost layers of the epidermis to remove dead skin cells, impurities and debris. This encourages the skin to regenerate new skin cells, leaving the complexion smooth, soft and vibrant. It improves skin texture, helps generate new healthy cell growth, and also removes vellus (baby fine) hair. It'll make makeup application so much easier! Perfect for all skin types except acneic skin.

*To prepare for your facial, please discontinue use of retinoids (Retin A, retinol, and other Rx or over the counter products) and avoid intense sun exposure 72 hours before and after your treatment.


The Celluma LED panel utilizes scientifically-proven low-energy LED light to promote skin health through increased circulation, waste elimination, and moisture retention, improved cellular turnover and growth, and stimulation of collagen and elastin, the building-blocks your skin needs to stay fresh and healthy. Delivered through a revolutionary flexible and shape-taking light-array panel, Celluma delivers healing light exactly where your skin needs it most, fighting acne and reducing the most visible signs of damage and aging. 

Celluma light therapy is based on LED technology and is the application of light energy to the body for aesthetic benefits. It promotes a natural photo biochemical reaction similar to the process of plant photosynthesis. NASA’s Space Program has proven that LED light therapy (near-infrared) promotes wound healing and human tissue growth. The energy delivered by the LEDs has been shown to enhance cellular metabolism, accelerate the repair and replenishment of damaged skin cells, as well as stimulate the production of collagen – the foundation of a healthy and smooth skin. 

Research has shown that LED Light Therapy may help to smooth skin texture, improve skin firmness and resilience, increase the lymphatic system activity, restore skin’s natural cellular activity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and superficial hyperpigmentation. The treatment is for all skin types and will not abrade any part of your skin, is non-invasive, painless, with absolutely no downtime. Clients can return to their normal activity immediately after the treatment.

Relax for 30 minutes while the panel does the work!



The widely popular hydro technology is known for its simultaneous delivery of variety of skin benefits in one step.This is a gentle non-invasive treatment that removes debris from the pores with painless suction, saturates the skin surface with hydration and antioxidants that nourish and feed your skin.

This technology promotes hydration, infusion of products, exfoliation, extraction and deeply cleanses the skin.